New Program Support_Amur
In order to modify the database safely, you should export RegDefSDK_bts to local (.xsl file.)
• !!!Notice: please backup the DB before all your work.
1. Enter the folder: SVNRoot/RegDefSDK/mysql_dba/ (putty)
2. Run: ./ [program name]. Such as ./ RegDefSDK_bts
• Add Entrance For New Program
1. create empty database for Mullins (MySQL) -> (RegDefSDK_AM) using dbvisualizer
§ Server: btsinventor
§ User: sa
§ Password: sa
2. modify BTS inventor source code -> use putty
○ server: btsinventor
○ user: schen
○ password: letmein
2.1 modify file: ~\SVNRoot\RegDefSDK\config\database.yml added Amur section
2.2 added new file ~\SVNRoot\RegDefSDK\config\environments\amur.rb in environment folder (copy from kryptos.rb and rename)
2.3 added new entry in ~\SVNRoot\RegDefSDK\app\controllers\home_controller.rb,
- add new program to program_list otherwise, the website will not show the program.
3. modify /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
i. Added new port in this file (by Putty)
4. create link RegDefSDK_ML point to RegDefSDK in folder /home/schen/SVNRoot/
i. ln -s /home/schen/SVNRoot/RegDefSDK RegDefSDK_ML
5. restart nginx by: ./etc/init.d/nginx restart
6. run script: ./ mullins (~/SVNRoot/RegDefSDK) --> it will create the empty tables and the data will be set by "export" later
7. add entrance for new Program in BTSInventor -> edit RegDefSDK_common::ip_blocks -> e.g. : add 9020 port for Nolan & FCH
8. Add program_id for new program RegDefSDK_bts::bts_programs -> e.g. Kabini -> 1
DB Modification
• the Database Model you should know
○ device ---device_type_id---> device_pattern
○ device_pattern -> access method::script_id
○ script_id -> script(read Register)
○ Shunt items ---include exclude pattern---> export the lua package we need
• the Tables you may edit:
○ RegDefSDK_common::ip_blocks -> entrance of btsinventor
○ RegDefSDK_bts::bts_programs -> id for all programs
○ RegDefSDK_bts::device type -> known device types of all programs
○ RegDefSDK_bts::devices -> devices of all programs by BKDG
○ RegDefSDK_bts::access method -> access method script_id for all devices & device::register
○ RegDefSDK_bts::scripts -> read register lua function for all device types
○ RegDefSDK_bts::platform variables -> some variables write in BKDG
§ Ddr4Mode#dct0 -> D18F2x78_dct0[DramType] == 2
• List all the devices®ister instances by looking up BKDG
o List all Core&GPU&NB Devices
§ Add the device information to the table according to the picture below
§ Tip: all the devices in this part may have the device type id (Known)
§ Tip: if the device has existed in the “device_types table”,then add DeviceTypeID to your list
§ Tip: add the index/data registers pair to Special Instance. -> E.g : D0F0x60/D0F0x64
§ Tip: some device may not have the device ID, you can use D18F2 deviceID instead. E.g : MISC GPIO
§ Rule: mark the unknown device type with “n”
o List all FCH Devices
§ Add devices information to the table according to the picture below.
§ Tips: a lot of the devices in this part may be unknown.
§ Rule: mark all the root device in red. -> E.g : SATA Controller
§ Rule: mark all the ignored device( no need to test ) in gray. -> E.g : Legacy Block Configuration Registers(IO)
§ Rule: mark all the new devices you want to add in yellow
§ Rule: mark the unknown device type with “n”
• Modify Database offline
o Create new files named with “newDeviceTypes.xls” & “FCHDevices.xls” & “OtherDevices.xls”
o Add new device_types (the content you marked in yellow) into “newDeviceTypes.xls”
§ E.g: it shows how to add new device type to table by the picture below
o Add new “access_methods” & “script” for new device_type according to BKDG. E.g : MISCx*
§ Script Rule: the read method may need to wirte some register, so it is important to restore the original register value.
§ Add script according to BKDG Info -> this is a difficult part in New Program Support., see the picture below
§ Tip: if you have some trouble in using BTS function like btsSetBitField, you can see the existed scripts for reference.
o Add core&GPU&NB devices to “OtherDevices.xls”
§ Tip: there is a easy way to add devices -> copy a existed program to modify
§ Tip: you can simply change the device ID to add known devices
o Add FCH Devices to “FCHDevices.xls”
§ Follow the tips mentioned in previous step to add all FCH devices.
o Classify the export errors & Add Platform Variables to “PV.xls”
§ you can run export code after you finish all the step above -> \\reg_def_sdk\client\python\exportlua
§ You will see the errors “Error: Cannot resolve symbol:”.
§ Classify all the errors according to the picture below, all the symbol should be solved according to BKDG
§ Tips : you can skip the "FUSE. Metal Bump SKIPRESET BOZO See" error
§ Add the Platform Variables to “PV.xls” and commit your change after making sure all the contents are correct.
§ when database updated, re-export the lua package again
• Commit your change to database
o Append RegDefSDK_bts::devices_types with “newDeviceTypes.xls” data, make sure the id must not be repeated.
o Append RegDefSDK_bts::devices with “FCHDevices.xls” & “otherDevices.xls”data, make sure the id must not be repeated.
o Append “RegDefSDK_bts::Platform_Variables” with “PV.xls” data, make sure all the contents are correct.
• modify file: \Source\btsapp\bts\res\PrefabFiles\common
o Unzip the common package with 7-zip
o Calculate family ID according the following method
§ Tip : You can get Fn0000_0001 EAX by using SimNow : "CPUID 1"
§ Calculate FCH familyID : [deviceID,vendorID,revisionID]
§ !!!Notice: if(expectFamilyId == (existSBFamilyId & 0xFFFFFFFFF0)) //Remove minor revision
§ E.g. Amur : DeviceID -> 790Bh vendorID -> 1022h revisionID 51h ==> 790B102251 (519876649553) => remove the minior revison ==> 790B102200(519876649472)
o Edit DeviceFamilyIds.lua::get_program_folder(deviceID) to make bts support new program according to picture below. -> Nolan support
o Edit program_revision.lua::get_processor_revision() (socket type + revision ) to update BKDG information accordingly
o Edit Source\btsapp\bts\res\Common\DeviceFamilyIds.lua & program_revision.lua as well
o Commit all your change to 8.0.10 & trunk
• If all the steps have done, BTS will support the new program.
- For ARM Arc program support –> need to change the interface of this BTS & SimNow